About the author
John D. Parker is the pen name of John Daniel Parker when writing stories of fantasy and science fiction.
John was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, but has lived most of his adult life in a log home he and his wife Lori designed and built near the Colorado Gold Rush towns of Gilpin County. They split the warm months between home and a guest ranch in Wyoming, where John enjoys riding and training his horses.
Over the years, John has written and edited many short stories and roleplaying adventures, and has written and directed several interactive mysteries performed at historical sites and museums. Now, after a varied career which concluded as an executive director of technology in a major media company, John dedicates his creative energy to writing, editing, and game design.
John models his fiction after the great writers of the mid-twentieth century who captured his imagination with their magnificent prose. Writers across the genre spectrum, like: Ray Bradbury and Ursula K. LeGuin; Dashiell Hammett, Agatha Christie, and later James Lee Burke; Louis L’Amour and Elmore Leonard, to name a few. Great stories become timeless in their telling. A tall order John seeks to satisfy in every story he shares with his readers.
Flashing Lights Series
Embark on a mission to explore the breadth of speculative fiction. From flash fiction to novels, stories include an eclectic mix of aliens and ghosts, portals through time and space, plenty of humor, a bit of horror and suspense, and some serious classic sci-fi.
Love a surprise and immersive storytelling? This series is for you.
Dragonbound: Fireborne
If you have come here looking for more about the Dragonbound series, we’ll have more for you soon. In the meanwhile, please join the newsletter to get the latest information.
You can check out the series on Kindle Vella. The first 3 episodes are free.